Saturday, May 11, 2013

Summer Schooling

I know for many homeschooler's, it's that time of year, when you may be wrapping up your schooling. However, for other's like myself, you are still going strong & planning on  homeschooling all the way through Summer.
Now, I know the idea of Summer- School may seem Crazy, but for our family & many other's,  it works!

Still unsure? Below is a list, of a few Pro's & Con's, on Homeschooling through the Summer.


1.You can choose when you may want to take time off through out the year & for how long.
2. You also can choose to school less days a week &/or hours a day through out the year.
3. You have the option to accomplish more than one grade level a year, which would allow for earlier graduation.
4. You also have the option to stretch out, what would have taken 9 months into 12 months. Allowing for a more relaxed/flexible school year.
5. You can take more time on trouble areas or topics of interests.
6. Children are less likely to incur Summer Break learning loss.


1. Kids &/or Adults may not be happy with not having a Summer Break.
2. If you use a standard, boxed curriculum, you may need to tweak it to stretch over the year. Or you may incur additional yearly cost by needing to buy the next grade up. ( which isn't really a bad thing IMO )
3. If you live in an area that doesn't have pleasant weather through out the year, you may miss out on some outdoor activity's.

So, what have we been doing this week?  We are doing lots of definition match & a Fun Horse Unit Study.

Until Next Time...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great list of pros and cons! Since we have always stretched out our school year, the boys don't mind. They know that other kids are on summer break, but they love being able to have extra time outside when the weather is nice in the spring and fall, and having extra time over the holidays. Here in the south, it's much too hot to really enjoy being outside often during the months of July and August anyway, lol. Dontcha love the flexibility of homeschooling? :D
