Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homeschool Portfolio Evaluations

                       Yep! It's that time of year again, home school portfolio evaluations!!!  We live in a state that allows us to choose whether we want to have our children tested or have a teacher evaluation done every year. The key in making these meetings a breeze is: 1st keep a record of what your child has done for the year, 2nd make sure you  have a evaluator that is either a home-school mom or is home-school friendly. I thankfully found ours 3 years ago at a local co-op home-school get together.
                        Since my son is still only 4 years he stayed home with dad ( in our state it is not mandatory to register children or evaluate/test till 1st grade ) When we got there my daughter age 9yrs was Super excited to see if she made it to 4th grade ;-) ~> LOL! so funny, but she says mom, "The teacher has to review my work to make sure I am ready". First thing she always does is chats with my daughter, asks how her year has went, her favorite thing she learned, then she asks a few questions like favorite books she read, etc. Afterwards she goes over the record book I keep though out the year and views a few samples of my daughters work. The best part is when we can just sit back for a few moments and discuss curriculum. She always gives me tons of tips and tricks. This year she has really gotten me thinking about adding some Fun Unit Studies to our homeschooling curriculum. My daughter has already requested one on Horses :-)
So anyways, every thing went great she passed her ;) and now I officially have a 4th grader! ~> crazy where did all the time go??

              Hope every one's evaluations, testing and school year went well. Happy homeschooling!

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