Saturday, May 10, 2014

We Home-School Year-Round, Do You?

For those of you who stick with a traditional school calendar year, the school year is drawing to a close and summer vacation is almost here for you. For those like myself, who home-school year-round, you are just getting started good!

Currently, my youngest has finished up his Kindergarten year and is now starting 1st grade. He is doing very well in math, already subtracting single digits and adding double digits, as well as adding money. Even though we are still reviewing his sounds, he is also starting to work on sight words; or as they are also called,” dolch words”. (Dolch words do not follow the basic phonics principle, which means they cannot be sounded out.)

My oldest is doing very well in her reading. She amazes me every day how she went from a struggling late reader, to such a book worm. She is a bit behind in her math, but I have no doubt she will catch up over the summer months. (I believe in allowing children to learn at their own pace. It isn’t about how fast they learn, but that they do LEARN. ) In science and history, she is beyond her years. I think her love of reading and her interest in watching documentaries has help with this.

Are you a year-round home-schooler? Or do you follow a typical school calendar year? Please take a moment and share how you home-school J

 Until Next Time…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are year-rounders, too! :) We take breaks when we need them...some of them longer ones. I love the flexibility! :)