Friday, April 4, 2014

I Heart Computers!

I love that I get to home-school my kids in the age of computers! Because of that technology, I have easy access to so many free resources. There are a few that I pay for too, but all still an amazing help to me and my kids. is one of those favorite's; I use it every week. Just yesterday, my daughter was doing their MatchIt Sentences game. I like this one because, when the kids match sentences, it builds their vocabulary skills.

We also have been adding Easter into our home-school last week. Here is a craft that my son made. He cut out and pasted all of the section and of course colored/decorated it ;)



Until Next Time…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could not agree with you more! SO thankful that we have the technology we have to homeschool with! :)