Friday, September 28, 2012

Fill in the Blank

I joined a Homeschooling ... - ....!  <~fill in the blank

Any guesses? Anyone?! Okay, Okay I'll tell you lol :)  I joined a Homeschooling Co-op!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have started going back to school (College) on campus for my most recent class, we have been staying in one area. So, this has given me the ability to really get involved in the local homeschooling community in this area. I decided that even though I won't be here next year, that it did not mean I should not allow my children to enjoy the local Co-op's. We started yesterday! They had it at a local church and it was wonderful! All the people were so nice and they had different groups for the different age levels. It lasted for a couple of hours and then afterwards they all went outside to eat lunch and let the children play. We all really enjoyed it!
 So, my advice to all of you is to check out your area's local homeschooling groups. See who gets together and where. Even if your only going to be there in that area a short while don't think you can't get involved. Just join and make those lifelong memories  ;)

Until next time....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dancing Bones

So, today I had my first Anatomy & Physiology Exam. I was pretty worried as I had not had enough time IMO to study properly. This of course means I need to figure a way to make more time so that my next exam, I will feel better prepared. However, even with my worries I managed to get a decent grade Whew! ;)

Other news ~>I signed up my daughter for dance this Fall! Hip-hop! She is really having a good time and making a bunch of new friends. Watching her makes me wish I could have taken dance as a child. Love living vicariously through my children lol <3 p="p">
On the Homeschooling front ~> I Love this word search maker! <~Check it out!

Until Next time...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lazy Day!

Today has been such a Lazy, Lazy, did I say Lazy? Homeschooling day for me... Thank Goodness for educational videos!!!!  If it were not for them, on days like today, my kids would not learn anything.  For me today I am just feeling a little off. I have super anxiety ( my mom is having surgery today) and I just can not concentrate. So, I decided to give myself some much needed "Blog Therapy".

What else has been on my mind today? Fall! I can not believe Summer is almost over. Feels like it just began. Last night I was outside and dare I say it, but yep! It felt a lil chilly. Not cold chilly, but you could feel a definite difference. Part of me is looking forward to pants and sweaters and all of those Holidays. In fact I bought a Halloween decoration today (From Avon) It is the table top Haunted house for $25. So cool! In my small space I have to be careful, but this was perfect :)

Anyways, I guess I am gonna end here for now. Until next time...

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Over the years, I have been asked many times if I am an accidental homeschooler. I know many homeschooling families out there are, which is perfectly okay, but for my family we have always known we would homeschool. Why you might ask? Well, for many reasons: For starters I just never wanted to miss those moments of watching them learn. I also love being with my kids all the time (LOL! I know it sounds crazy, but it's true). I also wanted them to have a better educational experience then I did. Plus, schools today can be unsafe on top of bully issues. In addition, I love the fact that they can get ahead start by starting college early, etc, ect, etc...
Anyways, I have also been so Super busy this past week with MY college education. I am taking two classes this semester ~>  Anatomy & Physiology 1( which my instructor can barely speak English ugh!) and an Online American Literature class ( Which has me reading so much and the stories have been less then interesting ugh! again!) Makes me wish I could be reading some of the homeschool fiction books my kids read. It would be lot more interesting I am sure! O'well at least they are enjoying their education at the moment :)

Until Next Time...