Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kids, they grow up so fast...

Kids grow up so fast don't they? Seems like just yesterday I was one myself lol! Now, I have two little one's ((love)). My oldest just turned Ten years old ( already a dbl digit wow! ) and my youngest is four years old. Of course I am enjoying watching them grow and learn, becoming lil people. Today I have been thinking about what next steps I need to take with their education. Now with my youngest almost five years old, making sure he has a good phonics curriculum is very important in my opinion. We have had so much fun last year with his pre-k  curriculum, learning via preschool games, etc. This year so far, we have mainly  been doing a lot of review and easing into Kindergarten level material. I really do  think he is now 100% ready to be a serious Kinder learner! My oldest however, is at a different level. I have noticed that she is taking a pro active approach to what she is interested in, which make me so happy :-)  Seems like with each child and each age, learning at home changes and evolves. I know we are still in this school year, but I am already looking forward to next!

Hope Everyone Is Having A Wonderful Holiday!

1 comment:

Hills N Valleys said...

Hey I have a 10 year old daughter too! just this year she has really taken off with becoming independent in her lessons. I shouldn't mention this but she is normally done with her computer work before I get up in the morning. (she gets up EARLY...I'm a night owl...hey it works!:)