Friday, February 25, 2011

A Fraction of a pie

This school year has been going pretty well so far. My kids have really seemed to enjoy and move through their school lessons swimmingly. Everything was going just lovely until Yes! The dreaded fraction lessons, let me just say I am so glad I have those online math games available. I am not gonna lie, Math can be a hard subject to teach and learn. There is only right and wrong answers and you have to learn the formula to figure them out.
 I do try to make it fun thou, I like to show fractions in real life situation as to help my kids get a feel of why they important to learn.
 A few days ago I had the kids help me make a Pizza. They helped by  measuring out the ingrd. etc
Knowing that having the right amount of this or that can make  a difference in how a food taste, I think  really showed the importance of learning fractions.
So once cooked I also showed them that cutting the pie up gave everyone one a fraction of the pie and I had my oldest tell me what fraction of the pie she was eating. I feel doing things like that really help in the hands on learning process.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! it was Yummy :)~ lol


Marie-Eve said...

I'm glad I found your blog!

My kids are still toddlers and I'm new to this concept but there's a part of me that know we'll be homeschooling.

So thanks for sharing, it gives me an idea of the realitu of it and lots of inspiration. I'll read your posts!


Keri said...

Hi Mary :)
I know that feeling, When my oldest was young I just knew that I would home-school her from the get go. I think that most of us homeschoolers probably felt the same way in the beginning.
~> I am glad you like my blog, sorry I didn't get back sooner but with 2 kids, well you know how busy we moms can be ;) lol.