Friday, December 17, 2010

A Spongebob Squarepants moment

Last night my daughter came and crawled in bed with me. Of course it was not empty handed, she had a Spongebob Squarepants book with her. She was very much wanting me to read with her. I said sure but, that I was wanting her to read to me ;-)

I was so proud of her, She started reading and I honestly thought that this book may be a bit to much for her as it was not thin and printed in tiny print . I was proved wrong! I would say she read about 95% of the words with out needing my help. I am so very thankful for her Language Arts program, it has helped her so much with her reading ability and learning how to sound out words,site words, compound words ect

It is those small moments in life that makes all your hard work and sacrifice and worries all worth while <3

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