Saturday, February 28, 2015

Homeschooling Mom + Broken Toe = Learning Opportunity

Image result for broken toe clip art
There is nothing like a real life event to teach kids. This past week I had the unfortunate luck to break my toe. Long story short my little piggy’s got pushed all the way backwards until you heard a nice loud crunch! It was an accident obviously, but a painful one. Surprisingly, this is my first broken bone. So, of course being a homeschooling mom I had to make this a learning opportunity. I took pictures, documenting the process so far. (I plan to show this to the kids all at once to show the transition of injury through healing). A quick internet search provided loads of info on the subject and my Anatomy books from college helped a lot as well. 

This past week we have read about what a broken toe is, learned about the different types of breaks/fractures, and played some health games as well. We also focused some time on foods and vitamins that help to keep bones strong, to prevent future breaks and osteoporosis. As bad as I hate that I am in pain, at least it was a great learning opportunity for my kiddos ;)

Until Next Time...